Expectations for October

Hi everyone,

I know I haven’t been posting much 😦 I really want to, I just never have time! I know, you’ve heard that one plenty of times before. So I’m going to suck it up and try to do as much as I can.

I have a list (not a difficult list, to boot) of stuff I want to blog about during the month of October:

Finish the Artemis Fowl series

This one might actually be difficult but it’s my #1 goal for this month. I’ve been taking SOOOO long to read the third one, I’m disappointed in myself.

Write a Top Tuesday post every Tuesday

I should definitely be able to do this, right?

Join a new book tag

Any suggestions?

Write more posts for Sherlock’s Home

I have one that I’m almost finished with that’s shaping up to be pretty awesome!

That’s pretty much it! Until next time!

As always, feel free to comment with anything below!

New Footage from Sherlock Special

Hi everyone,

BBC has released their show reel for their Autumn/Winter season launch, and it includes some footage from the Sherlock special!

The special is set to air on Christmas this year, and it is set in the original Sherlock Holmes times (Victorian). See more about the special here.

You can watch the trailer on the BBC website here or on YouTube here.

Until next time!

Top Tuesdays #3: Top 5 Movies Based on Books That Were a Total Bust

Hi everyone,

I don’t think I ever mentioned it before: my Top Tuesdays posts are an adaptation of The Broke and The Bookish‘s original tag. I’ve been trying to make it my own by picking my own topics instead of following their schedule and only doing 5 instead of 10 (mainly because I can’t usually think of 10).

This week’s Top Tuesdays post is about the movies all the book nerds were super excited about but then were utterly disappointed with the movie itself. Yes, we’ve all been there, and I’ve compiled a list of the top 5 I think are the most heart-wrenching.

1. Eragon

This was probably the biggest disappointment of a movie ever. No offense to the directors or anything. This book, especially since I love dragons, was one of my absolute favorites. I was so excited when this movie was coming out and I got it as soon as it came out on DVD. I couldn’t even get through the whole thing. Didn’t follow the book, and it wasn’t well done. 😥

2. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

This movie was, for me personally, the most disappointing. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix was the first Harry Potter movie that I was old enough to see in theaters when it came out. I read the book again beforehand, just because I was so excited. Then I went and watched it. Half of the book wasn’t even in the movie. They cut out quidditch entirely. I hated it.

3. Percy Jackson: The Sea of Monsters

I’ve never actually seen this movie, but I heard from a lot of people that the director basically ditched the book and did his own thing. Which is OK, but only if you say it’s NOT based on the book. But he didn’t, and with that, the movie series lost a ton of support from fans. You can’t claim a movie is based off of a book just to make sure people watch it; it doesn’t work.

4. The Golden Compass

I haven’t seen this movie either, but I heard from so many people that it was an absolute disaster. Nothing like the incredibly popular book, with some added religious controversy to boot. Not a good combination if you want your movie to be a hit.

5. The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian

The first movie of the series, “The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe”, did pretty well, but the second installment of the series was very unpopular. I personally hadn’t known that they had made this movie until they released “The Voyage of the Dawn Treader”. Nothing says unpopular like not knowing it exists. Of course, there’s a good reason it wasn’t popular: it was terrible, like all movies that don’t follow the books they’re based off of.

**UPDATE! I just remembered two movies that I saw that I could add to my list. The first is Inkheart, which Life and Other Disasters pointed out to me (thanks!), and A Series of Unfortunate Events. These two books/book series’ are instant classics, and the movies should have been better.**

That’s my list! Until next time!

Have any other lame movies in mind? Comment below!

Emmys! Emmys!

I didn’t watch them (I was watching football instead) but here’s all the info you need!


As you guys probably know, the Emmys were on TV yesterday. Unfortunately, I did not realize this so I procrastinated all my HW until 6:00pm, effectively being unable to watch while CNN kept informing me that OMG LOOK WHO WON AAAHHH. You know, instead of reporting on important things like Donald Trump.

(I’m being sarcastic.)


Also, I didn’t really care about the Emmys. You might be like: OMG how can you not care about the Emmys. WELL I don’t have a good answer. It’s probably because my favorite TV shows never show up on the Emmys (with the exceptions of Sherlock, Parks and Recreation, and Game of Thrones). However, since I run this type of entertainment blog, I feel morally obligated to tell you about my opinions on the Emmys. There aren’t many because I literally have no idea what happened.


1) I can’t get over how Daredevil was snubbed from…

View original post 230 more words

One Lovely Blog Award!

Hi everyone,

I got nominated for my first blog award! I’m so happy! Thanks so much to Galaxy Star and Thos Fandoms Tho for nominating me, and thanks to everyone who reads my posts and actually likes them!

OK, so here’s how this award works:


Now I have to think of seven interesting things about me…. OK, here it goes:

1. I’m a biomedical engineering major

2. I go to school in Hoboken, and if you don’t know where that is I’ll show you

hoboken1 hoboken2

Yep, that’s New York. I’m on the other side. Literally on the Hudson river.

3. And yes, I have actually been to New York to do some awesome stuff. I’ve seen pretty much everything in central Manhattan, and I’ve been to a few shows (if you go to any Broadway show in your life go to WICKED it’s the absolute best) and seen Idina Menzel on Broadway (love her so much). I don’t go as much as I should though.

4. I play violin, just like Sherlock (LOL HAHA no I’m definitely not that good, but I do actually play)

5. I’m really not good at this 🙂

6. I snowboard and it’s like my favorite thing ever. I used to ski but then I tried snowboarding and I never went back.

7. and I absolutely LOVE Benedict Cumberbatch

And now the nominations….

I’m still kind of new at this so I don’t really know that many blogs, but I’ll try my best to get close to 15:

The Musings of a Magpie
Avid Reader
G.U.M.: Growing Up Millenial
Thos Fandoms Tho
Life and Other Disasters
Always and Forever Fangirling

That’s it! Until next time!


Top Tuesdays #2: Top 5 Books/Book Series I Need to Reread

Hi everyone,

This is my second post for Top Tuesdays and, to continue on the books topic, this week’s list is on “books I need to reread”. Each of these have a bit of back story behind them, so don’t just read the list!

1. The Artemis Fowl series

This is actually a pretty funny story. I had read the first six books in the series (up to “The Time Paradox”) years ago, before the other two were published. I didn’t realize there would be more, so I was very very disappointed with the “ending” and moved on. It wasn’t until last year that my cousin got the whole series for Christmas and I saw there were two more books there that I had never seen before. I was like “What?!?!”

So now, since I don’t really remember them all that well, I have to reread the whole series before I read the new ones.

I’m in the middle of “The Eternity Code” right now (check out my “Currently reading” icon!).

2. Harry Potter

Well, this one doesn’t really have a back story. I just love Harry Potter (as you can probably tell by my all my previous posts) and those are the books I turn to when I don’t have anything new at hand or I’m just in the mood for an old story.

Who else waited in line at the bookstore to get The Deathly Hallows when it first came out?

3. The Sherlock Holmes stories

This is a stretch, but I MIGHT like Sherlock Holmes more than Harry Potter (gasp!). I know, but ever since I read the books and then started watching the BBC show, my love for the character and stories has increased drastically. I’ve started writing for Sherlock’s Home, a blog about the BBC show, and now I feel obligated to read them again. I haven’t actually read all of them (4 novels and 56 short stories), but I’ve read most, and I want to read them again.

4. The Inheritance Cycle

I love dragons. Books about dragons/involving dragons in any way are my favorite. I read these books when I was much younger, but once I got to Brisingr, I was pretty much lost. Then I got Inheritance for Christmas and never read it. And, of course, I can’t let that happen. So I have to read the whole series so that I actually understand it before I read Inheritance.

5. The Hobbit

In my previous Top Tuesdays post “Top 5 Fandom Books/Book Series I Need to Read”, I said that I wanted to read the LOTR trilogy. I think that before I do that, I should brush up on my knowledge of Middle Earth and reread The Hobbit, just for good measure.

That’s it for this Top Tuesday! Until next time!

Have any books you have been dying to reread? Comment below! Happy reading!

Real-life Harry Potter Location Clock

Hi everyone,

So I take back what I said a few days ago: this is definitely the coolest thing I’ve posted about.

I’m seriously freaking out.

Some students at the University of Munich have created the ultimate Harry Potter fan collectible: a location clock (just like the one that can be found at The Burrow!)

The students modified an old grandfather clock with multiple hands and a new clock face with locations instead of times. They connected the clock to a microcontroller so that the hands will move with different signals sent from the mobile app they created. Within the app, you can either manually send your position or let the GPS take over, and the hands on the clock will move to the appropriate location. Pretty neat, right?

The best thing about this is that the students have their own website and have shared all of their work with the public! I know what my next weekend DIY project is going to be! (well, this might take a little longer than that)

Link to the student’s website here.

Link to full article here.

Until next time!

Have any other Harry Potter updates? Comment below!