PLL Summer Finale – My Reaction

Hi everyone,

So I’m sure most of you saw the big Pretty Little Liars A reveal. CeCe is Charles, who is A!

That was a twist I didn’t expect. I knew going in to the episode that A was someone we knew, and I strongly suspected that CeCe was involved. But I didn’t have any clue who Charles could be. Thinking that Charles was actually CeCe never even crossed my mind.

I think they did a pretty good job of tying everything together, except that some of the answers (like Mona accidentally hitting Bethany and CeCe accidentally hitting Alison on the same night) were somewhat unbelievable.

There were a few questions I still had after watching it. First of all, how did the moms get out of the basement? I freaked out when they didn’t say anything. Also, we know that CeCe didn’t kill Mrs. Dilaurentis, but who did? And how did Sarah and CeCe meet?

There were a few things I didn’t like about the story. I don’t think Red Coat should have been Sarah. After all, we haven’t known her for that long. But one thing that does fit is that no one could survive being in The Dollhouse for as long as she claimed to be. Also, I don’t think making Charles transgender was really necessary to the development of A’s character. They could have just introduced Charles as Charlotte in the first place and made him her sister instead. But that would make CeCe a somewhat obvious choice as A.

That’s my response! Until next time!

Agree or disagree? Comment below!