10 Books/Series For Dragon Lovers

I love dragon books!


Fact: 80% of books I read are about dragons. I don’t know why, but I adore dragons and have for years.

So when a reader asked me a while ago to make a recommendation list of dragon books, I thought it was a great idea. The delay from when the suggestion was made to this post was due to the fact that I was reading more books during my summer break and wanted to perhaps include them on the list!

So here in no particular order is a list of books and series for dragon lovers everywhere!

1. The Inheritance Cycle by Christopher Paolini
 These are perhaps the most famous books about dragons, which is great because they’re awesome. This fantastical world is like that of Tolkien’s, but far easier and more enjoyable to read. They’re long books, but I definitely recommend them. But not the Eragon movie. We don’t…

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